Wednesday, January 6, 2016

What is Method Study?

The systematic recording and critical examination of the factors and resources involved in existing and proposed ways of doing work, as... thumbnail 1 summary

The systematic recording and critical examination of the factors and resources involved in existing and proposed ways of doing work, as a means of developing and applying easier and more effective methods and reducing costs.

Objectives of Method Study:

ü  Simplify tasks
ü  Combine or rearrange activities
ü  Eliminate unnecessary motions
ü  Engineer the operation
ü  Reduce inherent work content

Applying of Method Study:

v  Bottleneck place
v  Critical operation
v  Low production

How to do a Method Study: 

The work study officer has to select the production line that he is going to do the Method Study. Then he has to record how they carry out the work. At the same time officer must identify all the relevant. Then he has to record how they carry out the work. At the same time the officer must identify all the relevant factors such as lighting usage of correct tools and machines, whether the pieces are kept  at the correct distance, whether it is necessary to use folder , attachments etc. He should not do any changes then and there. The next important stage is the examining step and the work study officer has to critically analyze the present system and develop new method to improve the productivity. Then he can install this new development and should also maintain it. Otherwise the operative might start to do the changes according to their wish and that will have a negative impact.

The techniques of method study focuses on three factors:

1.      To reveal and analyze the true facts concerning the situation.
2.      To examine those facts critically.
3.      To develop from the examination, the best answer possible under the circumstances. 

The basic procedure to do a method study is given below:

1)      SELECT – the work to be studied
2)      RECORD – all the relevant facts about the present method by direct observation.
3)      EXAMINE – those facts critically and in sequence
4)      DEVELOP – the most practical, economic and effective method, having due regard to all contingent circumstances.
5)      INSTALL – that method as standard practice
6)      MAINTAIN – the method by as standard practice

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