Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Applications of Industrial Engineering

 Applications of Industrial Engineering T he r o l es and r espons i b ili t i es of t he i ndus tr i al e n g i nee r i... thumbnail 1 summary

 Applications of Industrial Engineering

The roles and responsibilities of the industrial engineering department are not just limited to timing operators and making operation bulletins as it is only a part of the job. The I.E function can contribute significantly to improvement in working and productivity of almost all the departments of apparel manufacturing. Let us discuss few of the activities of various  sections  of  apparel  manufacturing  which  can  be  associated  with  industrial engineering:


In merchandising section the Industrial engineer can work closely in following:

a) Product Analysis-
      Determine the optimum method of construction to achieve required finished product efficiently.
      Establish the operation sequence (Operation bulletin).
      Specify the equipment type and work aids to be used

Operation Bulletin is an important tool used for product analysis. Operation bulletin is a documented form of sequence of operations in a product. It contains all the information about the machine required and the total no. of operations, total no. of operator required.

Operation bulletin contains the standard times for each operation. Operation bulletin also contains some other parameters as follows:

Ø  Output (pieces perday)
Ø  Target efficiency
Ø  Minutes per day
Ø  Total standard time
Ø  Total no of work places

In simple way we can say that operation bulletin is a record of
     Equipment type
     Machine attachments
     Workplace engineering aids
     Standard time for each operation

It can be extended to include

     Hourly/ period targets for each operation
     Manpower Requirements
     Equipment Requirements

It should cover all operations that can be directly related to single unit of a product e.g.

     Spread and cut
     Sew including manual operations
     Finish and pack

The operation bulletin is a fundamental planning tool used for many functions such as

     Capacity planning
     Methods engineering
     Line planning
     Performance measurement
     Manpower planning
     Investment appraisal
     Incentive payment
     Factory loading

The operation Bulletin should be developed at the earlier stage of product development.

b) Costing-

     The first stage is to calculate the SMV of the garment
     To calculate the production cost for that particular garment by multiplying the total SMV of the garment with the average cost incurred by the factory to produce one SMV

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