Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Introduction of Industrial Engineering

Industrial Engineering To simplify work & to continue improvement of productivity is called Industrial Engineering.           ... thumbnail 1 summary

Industrial Engineering

To simplify work & to continue improvement of productivity is called Industrial Engineering.


Frank (1868-1924) & Lilian Gilbreth (1878-1972)                              

 Known as a parent of motion study


F.W Taylor (1856-1915)    
 Known as a father of IE & Time Study     

Objective of Industrial Engineering:

1. Increasing Productivity
2. Eliminating wastage & non value added operation.
3. Effective use of resources.

The scope of Industrial Engineering:

The two steps of finding the best way to do a job and then timing to find out how long it takes are referred to as Motion Study and Time Study. Engineers are taught to do the Motion Study first, as any time study data on incorrect motions is not of much value.

Some uses of Industrial Engineering are:

  Quotas and piece rates

Ø  Costing: By knowing how long it takes to perform a job, the total time and cost for manufacturing a product can be determined. Determine sales price.
Ø  Manpower Planning: By knowing how many units one person can produce it can be determined how many people are needed to produce a given volume.

Ø  Machine Requirements: The number of machines required can be determined by knowing the output from one machine.

Ø  Production Planning: Time study enables us to measure the capacity of a plant to produce. Decision as to how much volume to load into a plant can be made.

Let's list some of the other things we might find an Industrial Engineer doing:

ü  Plant Layout
The location of machines and equipment to provide the best work flow.

ü  Production Flow System
Determine the best way to move work from job to job (individual pieces, tied bundles, on trucks, etc.)

ü  Machines and Attachments
What machines are the best for a given job? What attachments simplify the job?

ü  Pay Systems
Deciding  the  best  way  to  pay  people  for  their  work  effort.  (Straight time, piecework, split incentive, group incentive, straight time bonus, etc.)

ü  Operator Performance
Responsibility for operators achieving expected performance levels.

ü  Operator Training
Responsibility for program of training new employees.

ü  Production Control System
Design system of measuring and controlling production flow through plant.
ü  Cutting Room
Engineering jobs in cutting room for incentive plan. Also might include program to increase material utilization.
ü  Quality Control
Design program to measure and control quality of workmanship in plant.
ü  Distribution
Engineering warehouse and shipping facilities.
ü  Payroll System
Design payroll procedure to handle pay system and generate necessary cost reports.
ü  Others
Plant safety, maintenance, supplies.

The benefits of Industrial Engineering:

ü  Work Simplification
ü  Increased Productivity
ü  Increased Profits
ü  Increased Earnings

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