Wednesday, January 6, 2016

What is Time Study?

Introduction: The application of techniques designed to establish the time for a qualified worker to carry out a specified job at a... thumbnail 1 summary


The application of techniques designed to establish the time for a qualified worker to carry out a specified job at a defined level of performance.

Objectives of Time Study:

1.SMV Calculation
2.Target Set-up
3.Cost Calculation
4.Manpower Allocation
5.Production Planning & Control
6.Incentines Scheme

Performing a Time Study

Ø  Standard Operator

A standard operator is one who is accepted as having the necessary physical attributes, who possesses the possesses the required intelligence and education and has acquired the necessary skill and knowledge to carry out the work in hand to satisfactory standards of safety, quantity and quality. We have to compare out operatives with the standard operatives and rate them accordingly.

Ø  Standard performance

Standard performance is the rate of output, which qualified workers, will naturally achieve without-exertion as an average over the working day or short, provided they adhere to the specified method and provided they are motivated to apply themselves to their work.

Ø  Basic time

 Time recorded by observing an operator while he/she us doing a task.

Ø Rating

When an operator performs any activity, the time taken depends not only on the activity itself but also on the speed and effectiveness of the operator. This effectiveness is assessed in relation or comparison to the effectiveness of a standard operator. This assessment is termed as rating.
The concept of rating is merely an extension of assessing performance as fast or slow: It involves the comparison between an actual pace of working and the conception of standard pace in the mind of the observer. Rating is not a measurement but an assessment. Therefore it is always a subjective observation of the operator by the observer, converted to the objective calculation of the operation. With lot of training and experience this mental comparison can give a reliable indication of performance. 

Compare the effectiveness of the observed worker in terms of…

Skill - The techniques apply to perform the job
Effort- Expression of the will to work efficiency

Symptoms of skilled work

ü  Avoidance of all unnecessary motions
ü  Shortest path of movements
ü  Sureness of touch & movements
ü  Consistently stick to the best method
ü  Consistently cycle times
ü  Intelligent anticipation of the next move

Symptoms of poor skill

ü  Lack of rhythm
ü  Inconsistency
ü  Jerky movements

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